1st Derek K.
2nd Dan W.
3rd Tony M.
Details at LPS.
1st Derek K.
2nd Dan W.
3rd Tony M.
Details at LPS.
1st $105 + $100 side pot Lucian A.
2nd $75 Gabe M.
3rd $50 Tina W.
4th $35 Michael M.
5th $25 Dan K.
6th $20 RL
Big winner on Monday night was Lucian, took the first spot of the tournament plus the side pot AND made 3 balls on the Break & Run AND won a $5 cash in the paper game! What a winning day for him! Congrats to Lucian A.!
1st Xiao W.
2nd Yan Z.
3rd Xiangru K.
Details at LPS.
1st $90 + $45 side pot Gary B.
2nd $60 Aaron B.
Details at LPS.
The tournament starts growing up now, more and more people interested to play. Hope next week we will get close to 15+ players. Also we are thinking about to making it an 8 & under starting next week.