1st $170 + $55 WTA + $30 side pot + $45 Most Games Won Dave M.
2nd $90 + $18 side pot Tim D.
3rd $70 + $12 side pot Justina W.
4th $50 Lu P.
Wednesday Night Chip Tournament results (12-18-2019)
1st $90 Harold L.
2nd $50 + $50 side pot Gabe S.
3rd $30 Eric M.
No one hit the Break & Run tonight, so next week the pot will start at $100.
Tuesday Night 675 & Under Call 9 Ball Tournament results (12-17-2019)
1/2 $115 Josh S.
1/2 $115 Woody J.
3rd $35 Darnell I.
4th $20 Dave M.
Next week the Player’s Prize Fund will start at $670.
Details at Challonge.
Monday Night Chip Tournament results (12-16-2019)
1st $127 + $70 side pot Woody J.
2nd $65 Alan P.
3rd $45 Jen N.
4th $20 Tom W.
No one hit the Break & Run tonight, so next week the pot will start at $839.
Wednesday Night Chip Tournament results (12-11-2019)
1st $60 + $35 side pot Kurtis L.
2nd $40 Howard T.
Howard T. made $400 on the Break & Run. The Pot will start at $50 for the next tournament.
Tuesday Night 675 & Under Call 9 Ball Tournament results (12-10-2019)
1st $80 + $20 side pot Tim B.
2nd $50 + $10 side pot Darnell I.
3rd $30 Abdul A.
Details at Challonge.
Monday Night Chip Tournament results (12-09-2019)
1st $121 + $90 side pot Rich S.
2nd $65 Mac A.
3rd $45 Cesar G.
4th $35 John M.
5th $20 Craig H.
No one hit the Break & Run tonight, so next week the pot will start at $778.
2019 Southwest 10-Ball Bar Room Team Championships
Congratulations to Team Kolby’s for finishing 3rd out of 32 at the 2019 Southwest 10-Ball Bar Room Team Championships.
You know you guys are the champs-Browne, Jackson.
Details at LPS.
Thursday Night 675 & Under 10 Ball Tournament results (12-05-2019)
1st WTA Mike B. Sr.
¿Details? at Challonge.
Wednesday Night Chip Tournament results (12-04-2019)
1st $80 + $40 side pot Lee C.
2nd $55 Veronica P.
No one hit the Break & Run tonight, so next week the pot will start at $383.