Kyle and Josh
1st $115 Josh G.
2nd $80 + $80 side pot Kyle P.
3rd $55 Dennis W.
4th $30 Dracy H.
5th $30 Mike M.
No one made any balls in the break and run. Next Monday the pot will start at $1,133. Hope to see y’all next Monday!
Kyle and Josh
1st $115 Josh G.
2nd $80 + $80 side pot Kyle P.
3rd $55 Dennis W.
4th $30 Dracy H.
5th $30 Mike M.
No one made any balls in the break and run. Next Monday the pot will start at $1,133. Hope to see y’all next Monday!
1st Mike B.
2nd Darnell I.
3rd Greg B.
Details at LPS.
1st Tim B.
2nd Greg B.
3rd Marcus T.
4th Brad H.
Details at LPS.
Dan, Adam and Gary
1st $130 + $85 side pot Adam K.
2nd $90 Gary B.
3rd $65 Dan W.
4th $45 Stephanie B.
5th $30 Mike K.
6th $25 Kyle P.
7th $20 Gabe M.
We added prizes on the green paper game on Monday and many players won a lot of good prizes, congratulations guys! No one made any balls in the break and run.
1st Derek K.
2nd Xao W.
Details at LPS.
1st Alex E.
2nd Brad H.
3rd Marcus T.
4th Bill U.
Details at LPS.
7 & under players are eligible
( 7s who got promoted to 8s who were previously tour members are grandfathered to still play out the season with one game added to their races )
10 AM tables open
10:30 AM signups begin
11:30 AM last call
11:45 AM player meeting
NOON start
This stop has been changed to 10 ball, call everything or option
$20 tour member fee required
$45 entry
$5 WTA side pot
$20 WTA side pot
$15 top 4 side pot
$15 top 8 side pot
Brandon and Lucian
Harold L. made 2 balls for $245 on the Break & Run and won a $20 prize in the Kong game. The Pot will start at $987+ next week.
Hope to see everyone next week!
Xiao and Orlando
1st Xiao W. “8” (61 Games Played)
2nd Orlando D. “5” (60 Games)
3rd Sydney J. “6” (35 Games)
Details at LPS.
Thank you to all the players that showed up! Next one will be on Bar Tables!